Friday 13 April 2018

Photography Callenge

This is my home learning for term 1 2018 

Please try and guess what it is.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

A Rabbits Life

When I went on my chromebook to go on mathletics,
but before I could type it all up, Grace and her cat gang
came into  the room, so I closed my chromebook put it
away and ran because cats eat rabbits. I’ll tell you where I ran.
It wasn’t a good place, it was outside.

There were lots of predators that eat rabbits. It was going to
be a long day. Suddenly a cat came out of nowhere and
started to chase me aaaa I screamed  I new it was going to
be a long day.
After the cat stopped chasing me I met up with a
rabbit called Heidi she said she was chased by that cat to
and her name was Hannah. Just then Hannah appeared
again this was the biggest chase of my life.

My heart was beating fast I was very tied but I knew I had to
keep going so I did.Finally Hannah stopped chasing me and
when she was out of site I flopped onto the ground Heidi did
to we were so tied our eyelids were dropping fast but we
knew we had to stay awake. Zzzzz we had fallen asleep.
A moment later we were woken up by a dreadful hissing
sound we opened our eyes Hannah was back. We were so
startled we ran as fast as we could but Hannah was right at
our tails and we couldn’t go any faster when we thought our
life was going to end but just then two of my cat friends Olivia
and Lily came and scared Hannah away me and Heidi
thanked them and we all lived happily ever after the end.

By Alysa

Thursday 5 April 2018

My Avatar

This is my avatar. The mini me. Does it look like me?